April 26, 2021
We are happy to announce the phpfox 4.8.4 official release. Let’s dive in to get what’s new!

We are happy to announce the phpfox 4.8.4 official release. Let’s dive in to get what’s new!

phpFox version 4.8.4 release

New Features / Improvements

  • In this version, we’ve added a setting to allow users to enable/disable the profile information or relationship status feed update. And, all types of relationship status are displayed on the User Profile
  • We’ve fixed the Save button after pressing it when changing the cover photo to avoid multiple clicks.
  • The performance of the first AdminCP access was improved to load faster.
  • We’ve also removed the “New friendship” feed update item after users unfriend someone.
  • When the admin disable the Friends app in the AdminCP, the Friend icon on the top header will also disappear

and more here

Bugs Fixed

  • There won’t be a redundant space below the preview thumbnail when sharing a link on the feed.
  • Data of location and birthday is now loaded when editing the user profile.
  • The status posted on other’s walls now includes the Share option in its feed item.
  • When posting the status on another’s wall, its feed item no longer misses the Share option.

and more here

Upgrade phpFox 4.8.4

The package of phpFox 4.8.4 is available for you to download in our Client Area. To upgrade your phpFox site to version 4.8.4, you have to run the full upgrade routine as our Upgrade Instructions. We highly recommend you back up your site and database before proceeding with the upgrade. And, don’t forget to check with 3rd-party experts about the compatibility of all the apps/templates you are using.

If your phpFox site is using 3rd-party apps or has customizations, please see our recommendations.

For the new phpFox installation, the following articles will be helpful to you:


There are more details for your information in the phpFox Release Notes and the Changelog.

Don’t hesitate to submit tickets or report immediately to our GitHub Tracker or Client Area for any issue. We always appreciate any feedback to make phpFox better, hence please feel free to share with us your ideas.