There are number of users, who want to know that whether they can change the theme of WordPress theme by the help of a database. WordPress provides you convenient way to manage themes just by using the admin area. If it is not possible to do by using the admin area, it is required for you to go for other important ways for changing the WordPress theme. It will be really easy for you to change the WordPress theme by using phpMyAdmin.  When and why it is required to use phpMyAdmin? The most simple way to change the WordPress theme is to first navigate to the “Appearance” and then to the “Themes” page in WordPress admin area. It may happen that on certain occasions, the error can make the website completely unaccessed.  One of the most secure ways to recover the website is restored it by using the backup. Even, there is some another way to troubleshoot this WordPress error which is the reason towards the problem. For resolving the issue, it is required for you to make a backup of the recent theme by FTP. There is need to remove theme folders from /wp-content/themes/ except the default theme. Now, WordPress theme will automatically revert to the default theme.  An individual can get access to the WordPress admin area, and then it is required to change the theme. For detailed information, you can use the Wordpress customer service number.  When you don’t have a backup, and there is no need to revert to a default theme, user can change the custom WordPress theme from the database by using phpMyAdmin.  Here, you can see the way to change the WordPress theme by using phpMyAdmin:- This method allows you to tell WordPress that which theme can be used by changing the information of the database. If you want this method to work for you, the theme that you want to use should already be installed on the website.  It is required for you to connect to the website by using a FTP client  There is need to navigate to the /wp-content/themes/ folder. Individual will be able to see the themes that has been currently installed on the website.  It is required for you to write the theme folder name to which you want to switch to. It is required for the individual to proceed further.  If you need additional information. The Wordpress user can use technical support phone number for any instant help.  When the theme you want to use has not been installed on the website, then it is required for you to install a WordPress theme via FTP by using the manual mode:- After you ensure that the theme has been installed on the website, individual should go further  and change the theme via phpMyAdmin.  It is required for you to go to cPanel dashboard of your WordPress hosting account. It is required to go down to the databases section and then tap on phpMyAdmin.  After you go to the phpMyAdmin section, individual can see a list of databases on the left side of the user’s screen. There is need to simply tap on the database that you are accessing currently for the WordPress site.  Now, you can see the list of tables in this database. there is need to tap on ‘wp_options’ table to open it.  It has been found that the WordPress database tables use wp_ as the prefix for the name of the table as default. It is quite possible to see the different database prefix if you or the administrator had already changed the WordPress database prefix.  After opening the table, there is need to go down and should locate ‘template’ and ‘stylesheet’ rows. Tap on the “Edit” button that is present next to the template row.  Now, the row editor will open to you where it is required to change the value for the option_value field to the theme that you want to change. it will be the same as the folder name in /wp-content/themes/ folder.  When you tap on the ‘Go’ button located to save the changes. It is required to repeat the process for stylesheet row as well.  When the changes will be saved by you, you can easily go to the website for seeing the new theme in action.  After you know the way to change WordPress theme via phpMyAdmin. It will be really convenient to make change in the wordpress theme. 
.Posted in What Defines A CV?
If you didn't find out by now, CV comes from "Curriculum Vitae" and it represents the ultimate "instrument" of the job seeker in his job hunting process. Whenever a candidate is applying for a job, the employer needs to know some basic information about him in order to make the best choice for his company.  Thus, no matter who you are and no matter what job you apply for, you should build your short biography, the  CV (Lat. "course of life"). The CV is the instrument which helps a job seeker get past the first selection of multiple candidates. Here's something you should always remember about your CV: A CV is more than a personal document, it is a means of self-promotion so DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE YOURSELF! Try to place yourself in the best light possible without twisting the truth. DO NOT LIE! A CV is not just an enumeration of years, jobs, schools you have attended.  The CV should enhance your best achievements in such a way in which to convince the employer that YOU are the ideal employee for his business. If you need resume editing you should turn to resume online service.
Today we will consider quite popular question from people who think of being a programmer " does a programmer need to know mathematics?" Recently, this question is often in my email box and among private messages in social networks, so it's time to expand to answer.If you try tofind in Google whether the programmer needs mathematics, you will get both positive and negative answers. My younger brother is a programmer. When he was a student and began to work, he pay for statistics homework and get his marks. He sisn't have enouht time for it and  did not consider it necessary to pay much attention to this subject. And for all his practical work as a web programmer, since the middle of 2012, he used the knowledge of higher mathematics 3-4 times. Without the regular use of knowledge of probability theory, which was necessary in these cases, had to raise the book and remember the forgotten theory. The rest of his time he was programming and school mathematics was mostly enough. I will tell more, not all school mathematics was necessary to it. There were no projects where it was necessary to apply knowledge, for example, school geometry. The main task of a programmer is to explain to a computer what to do in one of the programming languages. And for this higher mathematics is not necessary. The only obligatory subject of higher mathematics is mathematical logic. Without it it is impossible to build conditional expressions. And even it is necessary to know no more than 20%. Elementary mathematics is necessary for all technical specialists. Even web designers to count and translate units, calculate percentages, etc.  What do you think about it?